速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Sussex Bus Rider

Sussex Bus Rider





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本


Sussex Bus Rider(圖1)-速報App

This App displays real time arrival information for the bus network in West Sussex. It primarily covers the buses in and around the Worthing, Shoreham-by-Sea and Crawley area.

Sussex Bus Rider(圖2)-速報App

The arrival information is generally available during the daytime when the bus network is operating.

Sussex Bus Rider(圖3)-速報App

Favourites - Displays a list of your favourite bus stops. Tap a favourite to obtain the most current real-time arrival data for that bus stop. You can delete a favourite with a long-tap.

Sussex Bus Rider(圖4)-速報App

Finder - If you know the bus line you are interested in, use this screen to find bus stops. Search by bus line / route direction / bus stop. Click the button "Add to Favourites" to add the bus stop to your favourite list.

Sussex Bus Rider(圖5)-速報App

Map - Use this screen to find the bus stops nearest to you. Be sure to turn on GPS (or at least WiFi) to obtain an accurate location fix. Your estimated location is marked with an Android icon. Tap on a bus stop (marked by a red pin) to see which bus lines visit that bus stop. Tap a bus line to enter this stop in your favourites. Flip from Favourites or Finder screen back to Map view in order to refresh the display of nearby bus stops.

Sussex Bus Rider(圖6)-速報App

Settings - Untick "Map Centered on Location" if you wish to browse other areas of the map. You can also select how many nearby bus stops to display (default is 10). Also control the location refresh interval (default minimum is 15 seconds).

Sussex Bus Rider(圖7)-速報App

This App is provided free of charge and was written in my spare time. It is released with the Apache 2.0 license. Send me an email if you encounter problems or have suggestions and I'll do my best to resolve them.